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Pocket Gallery Application

Now Accepting Pocket Gallery applications

from Artist Level Members of the South Haven Center for the Arts.

There are only 1 spots left for 2026!

Artists are chosen by time of application and we prioritize new artists.

The pocket gallery hosts six one month artist member exhibitions annually from May through October.


Any current member at the artist level of South Haven Center for the Arts is eligible. Exhibits are limited to 2D pieces and all artwork must be of the artist's own design.

If you wish to submit a group application - all exhibiting artists must be member. The Center for the Arts reserves the right to decline to display art for any reason.

Artwork exhibited is not required to be for sale. If it is for sale, the artist must determine the price. South Haven Center for the Arts retains 35% commission on all works sold. Artwork must remain for the duration of the exhibition.

Click the button below for more information and application





- Not a member yet? No problem! Read on to learn more about becoming a member today!

Artist Membership



We at South Haven Center for the Arts (SHCA) have created a new level of membership just for you!  The Artist level membership is designed for visual artists working in all media and the annual fee is only $55.00 or $65.00 per 2-artist households. Become an Artist member today!



Reduced entry fees for any juried SHCA exhibitions

  • The ability to submit images of your work to be used in our publications with attribution

  • Receive benefits according to your level of membership

  • Have the opportunity to apply to show in our Pocket Gallery

  • Discounts on professional development events

  • Get $5.00 off the entry fee to our annual Art Fair (beginning in 2020)   




I am an artist and SHCA member. Do I have to join the new Artist level?

No. However, if you welcome the benefits listed above, this new level is right for you.

I'm an artist and SHCA member. Who receives the Artist level benefits?

If your membership fee is currently $50 or less, you are welcome to upgrade to the Artist level ($55.00).  If your membership is currently Supporter or above you keep your level of support and receive the benefits at no extra charge.

My spouse/partner and I are both artists. Do we each need to purchase an Artist level membership? 

No.  With two artists in a household, the cost is $65.00.  


Become an Artist member today!

Please join our mailing list!

Activities supported in part by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Funders include the South Haven Community Foundation, the South Haven Rotary Club, and West Shore Aware.

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